What’s better? Hatchback V/S Sedan

Hatchbacks and sedans are both types of passenger cars that are extremely popular among car buyers. Let’s look at the key characteristics of both and understand which one of the two is the more superior choice.
- Cargo capacity: One of the most important differences between hatchbacks and sedans is the cargo space available. Given that hatchbacks have a large rear door that can be flipped up completely, they offer a lot more space than the average sedan. This also helps the owner load and unload their goods far more easily. Many new hatchbacks also give the owner the option of folding down the rear seats, which further increases the cargo space.
- Fuel efficiency: Sedans are usually more fuel-efficient than hatchbacks. The body of a sedan is often more aerodynamic and lighter in comparison to the body of a hatchback. This, in turn, results in better mileage, which can help you save on gas costs in the long run.
- Security: One of the prime advantages of a sedan is that the user can securely stash away any valuables in the trunk space and keep them locked away out of sight. On the other hand, hatchbacks, usually have a window attached to the rear door, which offers complete visibility into the contents that are stored in the cargo. For this reason, a hatchback’s cargo area may also be more likely to be broken into by thieves.
- Window visibility: The window visibility is undoubtedly better in hatchbacks than in sedans, given that hatchbacks have an additional large rear window. That said, it is important to note that the rear window is required to have a wiper. This can mean slightly more upkeep since the owner will need to replace the wiper if it breaks and refills the windshield wiper fluid periodically.
- Practicality: Hatchbacks are undoubtedly more practical than sedans. Most hatchbacks have compact dimensions that make them easy to handle in city driving conditions. Also, most car owners find it easier to park hatchbacks since they don’t require as much space as sedans do. These factors make hatchbacks perfect for those living in busy cities.
- Pricing: You will find many sedans and hatchbacks that are comparatively priced. However, because most car manufacturers only release hatchbacks with more advanced trim levels, you may find it difficult to buy a hatchback if you are on a budget.
The car you buy, be it a hatchback or a sedan, should be suited to your requirements and taste. While hatchbacks may seem like the more practical option, it is important to note that sedans are more common than hatchbacks, both in the new and pre-owned vehicle segments. So, you may actually find it easier to buy a sedan than a hatchback. Many car owners also prefer sedans over hatchbacks because they look “cool”. Although, this perception is fast-changing, given the number of stylishly designed hatchbacks that are being released.