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Buying Your First Watch? Here Are Three Rules To Follow!

Travel and Lifestyle

Buying Your First Watch? Here Are Three Rules To Follow!

When you decide to buy a watch, you’ll find that there’s an exceptional selection of both new and vintage pieces available. But, because the options can be overwhelming, a lot of first-time buyers end up making expensive mistakes they often regret.

Here are three simple rules to simplify the process.

Rule 1:  Know what you need

Before deciding on a model, note down your preferences and how you plan to use your watch – in what scenarios or environments. Decide what features you need and which ones you can live without. This will help you to narrow down your options and find a timepiece that will be worth the money. Remember, you wouldn’t invest in a car just because it looks great – the same rule applies to timepieces too. If you don’t take the time to learn everything you can about the watch you’re buying and understand how to use its features, you’ll end up with nothing more than a very expensive bracelet.

Rule 2: Stay away from outlet stores

If you walk into a store and find that it sells everything from engagement rings to lockets, from earrings to accessories, understand that it’s catering to mass audiences. If you’re looking for a quality timepiece, your odds of finding one here are slim. 

Maybe you might find the occasional authorized Rolex or Breitling dealer, but chances are their idea of a ‘luxury watch’ will most likely NOT be what you’re looking for.

Rule 3: Do not make an impulse purchase

Try it before you buy it, but don’t just make a purchase decision based solely on aesthetics. Once you’ve tried a few and come to a decision about the model you like, take the time to read reviews and get more information from other owners and horologists. You can also search the net for a better price from trusted sources online. If you find a deal that helps you save – great! If not, you can ask the salesman for their card, have them write the model number on the back and then come back and buy it once you’ve done your research.
